The team
Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the University of Lleida since 2002. I started my university education in the field of theoretical chemistry (undergraduate thesis) and later I moved to applied organic chemistry (PhD). I have been working at the school of Agriculture in Lleida since 1998 with different research groups in projects related to the analysis of mycotoxins in food first and, later, for more than 15 years, with a multidisciplinary group in the control of agricultural pests. Lately I have been working in the use of chemical and enzymatic methods for the transformation of biomass into value-added products. We have expertise working with biomass and by-products from several origins (oil production, animal origin, food fibres, fruit juices and wood). Depending on the chemical nature of biomass, different recovery solutions have been studied that have materialized in different projects, thesis, publications and patents. I am currently part of the consolidated group of Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioeconomics (2017 SGR 828) of the University of Lleida that received funding in the last call. In 2005, the DBA-UdL centre, was admitted to ACCIO's (at that time CIDEM) Technological Innovation (IT) network and has since maintained the corresponding accreditation that currently is as Public Technology Developer (DTP) within the TECNIO network. Since 2005 I have been the director of this centre and have been intensely working in technology transfer activities. We have developed numerous contracts with companies in areas related to our expertise. Most of these contracts with companies correspond to projects for which the company has received funding from CDTI but also from other competitive and non-competitive calls. The participation of the DBA centre, and mine as director, promoter and one of the project directors, has included the collaboration defining the scientific approach of the proposal, the preparation of scientific documents, the scientific direction coordination and its scientific-technical justification. I have also been intensely involved in the internationalization and promotional activities of the centre through the active participation in platforms (SusChem both at European level and with SusChem Spain where I participate in the Advisory Council and I am co-coordinator of the chemical waste valorisation working group) or in associations such as the JTI of Bioindustries (BBI) or the Biomass platform (Bioplat) or attending to InfoDays, Brokerages, ... As a result, we have taken part in some European projects. Starting April 2021, I have been designed the director of Fundació UdL.